
Grainy Gradient Wallpaper Pack

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Grainy Gradient Wallpaper Pack

Grainy Gradient Wallpapers Pack

Comes in high quality resolutions for all devices.

Premium Features:

  • 88 Premium Wallpapers
  • Different Colors of Grainy Gradients
  • Different Aspect Ratios
  • Designed by Matisway
  • File formats: JPG
  • Resolutions:
    • Desktop: 4500 x 3000px - 254 ppi
    • Mobile: 1290 ×  2796px - 460 ppi
    • Apple Watch: 410 x 502 pixels - 338 ppi
    • iPad: 2176 × 1632px - 265 ppi
    • Fold: 1536 × 2152px - 399 ppi


1. What are wallpapers?
Wallpapers are graphical backgrounds or images used to decorate the desktop or lock screen of electronic devices such as computers, smartphones, or tablets. They serve aesthetic and personalization purposes, allowing users to customize their devices according to their preferences and style.

2. How do I obtain a wallpaper template?
Simply click the "Open Wallpaper" button or link provided with the wallpaper pack. Then download the file to your device, set it as your wallpaper through your device's settings menu.

3. Are there any costs associated with wallpaper templates?
No, most wallpaper templates are available without any extra charges. You can download and use them to personalize your device's interface at no cost.

4. Are these wallpapers available for resale?
No, these wallpapers are not available for resale. These wallpapers are copyrighted by Matisway. If you want to promote this wallpapers you can join the affiliate program by filling the form.

5. How can I become an affiliate?
Click here to fill out the affiliate form.

6. If you have any question
If you have more question, just write me an email or DM me on Instagram.

Enjoy 💥

If you have any question, just follow me on Instagram @matisway and drop me a DM.

I want this!
4500 x 3000px
1290 ×  2796px
2176 × 1632px
410 x 502 pixels
1536 × 2152px
1.82 MB
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